She seeks fulfillment on her remote mountain journey
Amber, a happiness agent, travels the Bhutanese Himalayas to study the happiness of the people.
I watched this at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival
Bhutanese culture is rarely discussed in the media and this documentary is a charming, sweet and interesting examination of the happiness levels of Bhutanese citizens with great conversations between the main peers, interesting cultural aspects and an exploration of the human self.
Many of the discussions with the Bhutanese peers are interesting as the discussions about their culture, struggles and themselves were interesting to listen to
Filmmakers Arun Bhattarai and Dorottya Zurbo are able to capture the true essence of life in the Bhutanese lifestyle and provide really funny, bittersweet and moving interviews, discussions and camera work.
Including singing, dancing, dialogue and all
Being the first Sundance film at this festival, what a great start!